Luke is Three
104 photo(s) found

Birthday morning blueberry muffins

Luke loved the candle

He ate three muffins

Dad and Anna at the park

Siblings swinging

Luke and Anna love swinging together

Big brothers get to push their sisters

Learning to do an under dog

Climbing with a friend

Blowing out the candles with the help of the wind

Temporary sand box in the truck

Just playing at home

Ready for nap time

Serious about eating Grandpa's cookies

Helping Dad strap on the dirt bike

Cool little strider

Soft green spring grass to play in

Three cousins

Luke love to have his snack outside

Undies and boots

Digging while mum hangs laundry

New haircuts for mum and Luke

The kids love the car cart

Watermelon love

Playing with dirt

Lunch outside in boots and undies

My little bunny

Dad built Luke his own desk in the garage

Luke bought mum flowers at the Farmer's Market

Swimming is fun

Not feeling well

Helping Dad install a sprinkler system for the veggie garden

Frozen summer treats

Loving the beach

Anna is so silly

This is how Luke smiles for a picture

Dad and Luke are cooking dinner

Eating outside is the best

Bouncing at the park

Let's paint

Mud play for the boy that doesn't like to get messy

Good morning!

Bath time with Anna

Fun at the splash park

Broccoli bouquet and a pony tail, silly boy!

Luke did the Turkey puzzle

Playing with a box

Playground fun

A big push from Dad

Playground boy

Wrestle tackle with Dad

A new shirt from the grandparents in Turkey

More fun on the playground

Snuggling on the bed

Funny faces with Mum

We got new paint brushes

Cousins going for a walk at the park


Fun with Anna

Showing Anna all the toys

Anna pins Luke down

Sibling love

Kitchen helpers

Loving the dirt

Playing under the table

Luke doesn't like to sleep on the mattress


Proud cousin

Showing Caden the ropes at the playground

Happy Easter

Luke's first Easter eggs

Happy Easter

Look who's the only one paying attention

The kids love Caden

Snuggle time

A chilly picnic at Willow Grove

This boy loves the boat

Boating is awesome


Learning to drive

Dad's little mechanic

Who needs a playground when we have dirt piles

Just a boy and his sticks

Endless entertainment

The great outdoors

Reading to Anna

Enjoying the first peas of the season

My garden babies

Let's plant

She wet me!

Hey Anna!

Playing in the chaos

Building crosses

Teaching Anna to put away blocks

A big boy and his little sister

Luke by the lake - by Heather

Out on a walk with the family - by Heather

Those eyes smile - by Heather

Reengineering a bike - by Heather

He's loves his cousin - by Heather

Luke at the lake - by Heather

Luke at the lake - by Heather

Little explorer (photo by Heather Meadows Photography)

Collecting treasures (photo by Heather Meadows Photography)
Luke's life is full of action, learning and playing.